联 系 人:潘容辉 女士
联系电话:86 - 0730 - 8483380
手 机:13873009472
所 在 地:湖南 岳阳
联系电话:86 - 0730 - 8483380
手 机:13873009472
所 在 地:湖南 岳阳

- 产品型号:SEBS
- 产品规格:15
- 原 产 地:湖南岳阳
- 适用范围:广泛用于高弹性制品、包履材料(工具手柄)、聚合物改性、胶粘剂与密封剂、医疗器械、电线电缆的填充料等。
- 详细描述:巴陵石油化工有限责任公司合成橡胶事业部继国内率先开发成功SBS、SIS万吨级工业生产技术后,又成功开发出拥有自主知识产权的热塑性橡胶SEBS生产技术。SEBS产品耐老化性能优良,广泛用于高弹性制品、包履材料(工具手柄)、聚合物改性、胶粘剂与密封剂、医疗器械、电线电缆的填充料等。
In succession to the development of industrial production technologies of SBS and SIS above 10000 tons, the Synthetic Rubber Division of Baling developed successfully the production technology of thermoplastic rubber SEBS owning the intellectual property. SEBS is of excellent aging resistance and used for highly elastic products, packing material (tool handles) polymer modification,adhesives,sealant,meddical treatment equipment and fillers of wires and cables.
SEBS is of good temperature endurance with brittle temperature lower than -60℃ and highest service temperature at 149℃,Under oxygen surround. The decomposing point is higher than 270℃.SEBS has excellent aging resistance and the drop rate of its performance is less than 10% after being aged in the artificial aging accelerator for one week.
SEBS is also very good at electrical property Its dielectric loss is 1.3×10 at 1KHZ and 2.3×10 at 1MHZ; its volume resistance is 9×10Ω-cm one minute and 2×10Ω-cm two minutes. SEBS has good solubility and co-mixing capacity with solubility between 7.2~7.6.
- 售后服务:保证质量